High-fibre for weight-loss: Sesame-Flaxseed-Crackers

Kornelia C. Rebel
4 min readNov 15, 2020


Losing weight seems to be one of the hardest achievements these days. But shedding some unnecessary ballast can be easy and liberating by avoiding diets. Whenever I want to lose weight, I make these crackers.

Losing weight can be easy when you eat healthy food that keeps your blood sugar levels balanced and your insulin levels low.

During periods of losing weight, I eat only whole-wheat pasta and whole-wheat bread. Often I substitute bread with my crackers.

Happy belly, happy mind, happy weight

These crackers not only taste great, thanks to the flax and sesame seeds they are very nutritious and keep your digestion going. A happy, well-working belly also improves your mood. If you want a healthy snack, serve them with the spicy salsa described below.

For lunch, I love them with any kind of pate. Especially hummus goes well with them.

Please tell me about your experiences with losing weight. I am happy to listen and learn.

Wishing you happy cooking, always!

Kornelia Santoro with family

Ingredients (for 16 servings):

  • 5 cups diabetic or whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup oat bran
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil or cold pressed coconut oil
  • 1 cup yoghurt (curd)
  • 100 grams flax seeds
  • 100 grams sesame seeds
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • water


Grind the flaxseeds in a blender. They are easier to digest when they are ground.

Put all the dry ingredients into a big bowl and mix them well with a spoon. Then add the oil, the curd and enough cold water to make smooth dough. Knead the dough well for at least 5 minutes.

I always use a hand mixer first and then my hands. Consider this exercise; kneading works out the muscles in your arms. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes before rolling it out.

You can bake the crackers on a cookie sheet or in any pie form. I take big, stainless steel plates which I also use for making pizza.

Dust your work surface with flour. Take some dough and roll it out as thinly as possible in the shape you require. Put the dough on the cookie sheet, pie form or plate and score lines with a sharp knife or a round pizza cutter.

These lines help to break the crackers after baking. The above given amount is enough to cover 4 cookie sheets or 6 stainless steel plates with 30 cm (12 inches) diameter.

These lines help to break the crackers after baking. The above given amount is enough to cover 4 cookie sheets or 6 stainless steel plates with 30 cm (12 inches) diameter.
Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 4 big, red tomatoes
  • 1 red or yellow bell pepper
  • 4 fresh, green chilies
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon sugar
  • salt
  • freshly grated pepper
  • any kind of herb you like


It is important to use only red and soft tomatoes for this recipe. Put the tomatoes for 1 minute into a pot of boiling water. Let them cool down, remove the skin, the seeds and any white pieces from the stalk.

Cut the flesh into small cubes and put them into a bowl. Remove the stalk and the seeds from the bell peppers, cut the flesh into small cubes and add them to the bowl.

Slice the green chilies open and remove the seeds. Cut them into small pieces and add to the bowl.
Wash the herbs, chop finely and add to the bowl.

Add the sugar, the vinegar and the oil and salt and pepper according to your taste. Mix everything well. Let the salsa marinate at least 1 hour in the fridge before serving.

Originally published at https://korneliaskitchen.blogspot.com.



Kornelia C. Rebel
Kornelia C. Rebel

Written by Kornelia C. Rebel

writer, bathroom-goddess, transformation mentor, aiming for the shooting star, expert in health and mental fitness https://korneliacrebel.com

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