
Thank you for this very intelligently written article. I wholeheartedly agree, although I would like to add: The way I see it the whole planet is moving from an existence in 3D to 5D through proper understanding of time. However, 5D and the necessary energetic vibrations of the body to experience this state and to steer a joyful way through the quantum field require an open heart. When heart and brain work in harmony together we are able to experience the bliss of unconditional love. Radical self-acceptance and the integration of male and female energies in oneself is required for opening the heart. However, we also need our metabolism to be ready for peak performance. That´s why I advocate food supplements actively - but they are only one part of a spiritual lifestyle. Muscle movement and meditation are also important. All the best in this adventurous times!



Kornelia C. Rebel
Kornelia C. Rebel

Written by Kornelia C. Rebel

writer, bathroom-goddess, transformation mentor, aiming for the shooting star, expert in health and mental fitness https://korneliacrebel.com

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